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VIM4 HDMI Input for 5.15 Kernel

This documentation is only for Linux system.

Hardware Connection

  • Connect your VIM4 HDMI Out to an HDMI Display
  • Connect your HDMI OUT cable to VIM4 HDMI IN port

You must connect your VIM4 to a workablbe HDMI screen or the HDMI IN will not working.

Capture the HDMI IN Frames

You can use gstreamer to capture the HDMI IN frames. Here is en example to capture the HDMI IN frames and encoding them to H264 format and mux to MP4 format store in file /tmp/test71.mp4.

gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video71 io-mode=dmabuf num-buffers=300 ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=1920,height=1080,framerate=30/1,interlace-mode=interleaved ! amlvenc ! h264parse ! qtmux ! filesink location=/tmp/test71.mp4

Preview the HDMI IN Frames on Framebuffer Console

HDMI input preview can only work under framebuffer console, so you need to use the server image, you can install via OOWOW.

If you use the desktop image, you need to switch to the framebuffer console.

Press Ctrl + Alt + F3 to switch to the framebuffer console and use root to login.

You must use root to login or the audio may not working on Ubuntu 24.04.

If you want to go back to the desktop press Ctrl + Alt + F1.


Execute the HDMI Input demo command sudo hdmiin-demo

If everything is OK you will see the HDMI Input source on your display.


No audio for sudo hdmiin-demo:

If you use the Ubuntu 24.04 desktop image, when you login with the normal user khadas, the audio may not work, there are two solutions to fix this issue:

1. Use the server image and use root to login

2. If you use the desktop image, you need to press Ctrl + Alt + F3 to switch to framebuffer console and use root to login

If you want to go back to the desktop press Ctrl + Alt + F1.

Last modified: 2024/11/25 08:50 by nick