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NPU Prebuilt Demo Usage

  1. Please follow this docs to upgrade the system to latest version before run any NPU demos.
  2. Just support Opencv4

install OpenCV4
sudo apt install libopencv-dev python3-opencv

Get NPU Demo

NPU Demo is not installed on the board by default. You need to download it from github first

1) Clone to the board through the git command.
 cd {workspace}
 git clone --recursive

2) Or download the compressed package directly, and then unzip it to the board.

  There are three directories in NPU Demo:


  1. detect_demo: A collection of yolo series models for camera dynamic recognition.


  1. detect_demo_picture: A collection of yolo series models that identify pictures.


  1. inceptionv3: Identify the inception model of the picture

Inception Model

  1. The inception model does not need to install any libraries into the system. Enter the inceptionv3 directory.
  2. imagenet_slim_labels.txt is a label file. After the result is identified, the label corresponding to the result can be queried in this file.
 $ cd {workspace}/aml_npu_demo_binaries/inceptionv3
 $ ls
 dog_299x299.jpg  goldfish_299x299.jpg  imagenet_slim_labels.txt  VIM3  VIM3L

<WRAP important > If your board is VIM3, enter the VIM3 directory, if it is VIM3L, then enter the VIM3L directory. Here is VIM3 as an example

Last modified: 2022/09/16 02:01 by ivan