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Application Source Code

Guide to compiling the NPU application on the VIM3/3L.

Install OpenCV4

Install the necessary library packages to build the OpenCV4 application.

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install libopencv-dev python3-opencv

Get Source Code

Get the source code: khadas/aml_npu_app

$ git clone

Source Description

Base directory

Base directory of the cloned repository.

$ cd aml_npu_app
$ ls
DDK_6.3.2  DDK_6.3.2.3  DDK_6.3.2.5  DDK_6.3.3.4  DDK_6.4.0.3  DDK_6.4.3  detect_library  LICENSE  NN_SLT
File Description
DDK_xx Library source code, xx is the version code
detect_library Application layer source code. the detect_library/model_code
is linked to the latest version of the DDK library
NN_SLT Separate source code directory for DnCnn model (no longer maintained).

Detect library

Directory with various model specific application code.

$ cd aml_npu_app/detect_library
$ ls
densenet_ctc_demo_picture  inception  model_code  retinaface_demo_x11_usb  sample_demo_fb  sample_demo_x11  source_code  yolo_demo_fb_mipi  yolo_demo_fb_usb
yolo_demo_x11_mipi  yolo_demo_x11_usb  yolov7_tiny_demo_x11_usb  yolov8n_demo_x11_usb
File Description
model_code Load model and complete pre-processing and post-processing.
source_code Provide interfaces for demo to call model_code.
Other folders Application source code

Model code

Directory containing all the detection library code.

$ cd aml_npu_app/detect_library/model_code
$ ls
densenet_ctc  detect_mtcnn  detect_retinaface  detect_yoloface  detect_yolo_v2  detect_yolo_v3  detect_yolo_v3_tiny  detect_yolo_v4  detect_yolo_v7_tiny
detect_yolov8n  facenet

Except for detect_mtcnn, each directory represents a different model, and each model will be compiled into a library.

File Description
densenet_ctc Character recognition, used to identify characters. The input is only a picture.
detect_retinaface Detect faces and the keypoints of faces.
detect_yoloface yoloface model, used to detect faces without keypoints.
detect_yolo_v2 yolov2 model, for object detection.
detect_yolo_v3 yolov3 model, for object detection.
detect_yolo_v3_tiny yolov3-tiny model, for object detection.
detect_yolo_v4 yolov4 model, used to detect faces.
detect_yolo_v7_tiny yolov7_tiny model, for object detection.
detect_yolov8n yolov8n model, for object detection. The latest yolo model.
facenet Deprecated - No longer in use.

Take detect_yolo_v3 as an example to illustrate the structure of each directory.

$ cd aml_npu_app/detect_library/model_code/detect_yolo_v3
$ ls  include  Makefile  makefile.linux  makefile.linux.def  vnn_yolov3.c  yolo_v3.c  yolov3_process.c
File Description Compile script.
include The corresponding header files and all definitions will be placed in this directory.
Makefile Makefile file.
makefile.linux Make environment configuration file.
vnn_yolov3.c SDK The converted model processing file is mainly used to interface with the nb file.
yolo_v3.c Specify the called nb file, and define all the interfaces of the model call.
yolov3_process.c Mainly defines the pre-processing and post-processing of the model.

Source code

Directory containing the application library source code.

$ cd aml_npu_app/detect_library/source_code
$ ls  detect.c  detect_log.c  include  Makefile  makefile.linux  makefile.linux.def
File Description Compile script.
detect.c Provide interface for detect and call model_code.
detect_log.c About log level.
include The corresponding header files and all definitions will be placed in this directory.
Makefile Makefile file.
makefile.linux Make environment configuration file.

Enter the directory of the yolo_demo_x11_usb:

$ cd aml_npu_app/detect_library/yolo_demo_x11_usb
$ ls  detect.h  main.cpp  makefile.linux  makefile.linux.def  makefile.target_name  nn_detect_common.h  nn_detect.h  nn_detect_utils.h
File Description Compile script.
main.cpp Main function.
detect.h, nn_detect_common.h, nn_detect.h, nn_detect_utils.h The corresponding header files.
makefile.linux Make environment configuration file.
makefile.target_name The name of the compiled executable.

Compile the application

1. Compile the model you want to use from the model_code directory. Here we shall take detect_yolo_v3 as an example.

$ cd aml_npu_app/detect_library/model_code/detect_yolo_v3
$ ls  include  Makefile  makefile.linux  makefile.linux.def  vnn_yolov3.c  yolo_v3.c  yolov3_process.c
$ bash
$ ls
bin_r  include  linux_build_sample.log  makefile.linux  makefile.linux.def  makefile.target_name  vnn_yolov3.c  yolo_v3.c  yolov3_process.c

2. The compiled library is generated in bin_r folder. Add it to the library path variable.

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$(pwd)/bin_r/

3. You will also need to build the contents of the source_code directory.

$ cd aml_npu_app/detect_library/source_code
$ ls  detect.c  detect_log.c  include  Makefile  makefile.linux  makefile.linux.def
$ bash
$ ls
bin_r  detect.c  detect_log.c  include  Makefile  makefile.linux  makefile.linux.def

4. The compiled library is generated in bin_r folder. Add it to the library path variable.

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$(pwd)/bin_r/

5. Now, Build the example application.

$ cd aml_npu_app/detect_library/yolo_demo_x11_usb
$ ls  detect.h  main.cpp  makefile.linux  makefile.linux.def  makefile.target_name  nn_detect_common.h  nn_detect.h  nn_detect_utils.h
$ bash
$ ls
bin_r_cv4  detect.h  linux_build_sample.log  main.cpp  makefile.linux  makefile.linux.def  makefile.target_name  nn_detect_common.h  nn_detect.h  nn_detect_utils.h

If you use kernel are using version 5.15 or above, please remove the red lines in makefile.linux before running

LIBS += -L$(VIVANTE_SDK_LIB) -lOpenVX -lOpenVXU -lGAL -lovxlib -lArchModelSw -lNNArchPerf
LIBS += -L../source_code/bin_r -lnn_detect
-#LIBS +=-L$(LIB_DIR) -lstdc++
-LIBS += -lvpcodec -lamcodec -lamadec -lamvdec -lamavutils -lrt -lpthread -lge2d -lion
# Macros.
CUR_SOURCE = ${wildcard *.c}

6. Create a folder named nn_data under bin_r_cv4 and place the yolov3_88.nb model file in it.

$ cd bin_r_cv4
$ mkdir nn_data
$ cp -r xx/xx/yolov3_88.nb nn_data/
$ ls
detect_demo_x11_usb  main.o  nn_data

Run the application

Now you can run inference on captured video data using the model.

$ ./detect_demo_x11_usb -m 2 -d /dev/video1

Application setup parameters

Parameter to select the detection model

The parameter -m is for selecting the inference model, Here are the all the available models and their respective serial numbers.

Index File
0 detect_yoloface
1 detect_yolo_v2
2 detect_yolo_v3
3 detect_yolo_v3_tiny
4 detect_yolo_v4
13 detect_yolo_v7_tiny
14 detect_yolov8n
15 densenet_ctc
16 detect_retinaface

For the above example, we used the serial number 2 which corresponds to the yolov3 model.

Parameter to set the input as picture

If you use the model that takes input as a picture, change -d to -p. Here is an example with densenet_ctc.

$ ./densenet_ctc_picture -m 15 -p ../KhadasTeam.png
Last modified: 2024/03/12 05:26 by louis