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VIM2 Hardware Encoding


This document mainly introduces Hardware Encoding. You will learn how to use h264 encoding and h265 encoding.

System Configuration

Please make sure you use the latest image, if not please follow Upgrade The System to upgrade your system.

For Linux with 5.15 kernel

Please check Hardware Encoding.

For Linux with 4.9 kernel

H264 Hardware Encoding

$ h264EncoderDemo  1080p.nv21    1080p.h264 1920 1080 10 30 2000000 2000 1

The encoded file is 1080p.h264.

Get help information

$ h264EncoderDemo
Amlogic AVC Encode API
 usage: output [srcfile][outfile][width][height][gop][framerate][bitrate][num][fmt]
  options  :
  srcfile  : yuv data url in your root fs
  outfile  : stream url in your root fs
  width    : width
  height   : height
  gop      : I frame refresh interval
  framerate: framerate
   bitrate  : bit rate
   num      : encode frame count
   fmt      : encode input fmt 0:nv12 1:nv21 2:yv12 3:rgb888 4:bgr888

H265 Hardware Encoding

$ h265EncoderDemo  1080p.nv21   1080p.h265  1920 1080 0 30 1000000 2000 0

The encoded file is 1080p.h265.

Get help information

$ h265EncoderDemo
Amlogic AVC Encode API
 usage: output [srcfile][outfile][width][height][gop][framerate][bitrate][num]
  options  :
  srcfile  : yuv data url in your root fs
  outfile  : stream url in your root fs
  width    : width
  height   : height
  gop      : I frame refresh interval
  framerate: framerate
   bitrate  : bit rate
   num      : encode frame count
   fmt      : encode input fmt 0:nv21, 1:nv12, 2:RGB888

Library Source Code

2022/07/06 10:08
Last modified: 2022/07/13 22:31 by frank