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Edge2 Windows install ARM UEFI

This document guides the installation of the Windows 11 Image for the Edge2.

This image is purely experimental and is not recommended for general use, and is currently only for testing purposes.
Please check the hardware support status here

As the USB 2.0 remains nonfunctional, you will need to use the USB 3.0 Type A and Type C ports adjacent to the Wi-Fi card for connecting peripherals and other devices.
We recommend using a standard USB 3.0 hub that has been verified to work on other Windows-on-arm devices to expand the number of available USB ports.

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are also non functional, for networking you will need to rely on a USB network dongle.

OOWOW Online script

Simplest way to install Windows to eMMC by OOWOW Online Scripts

During the initial Windows Setup you will need to bypass the system enrollment,

  • Start the Window 11 setup.
  • When you see the Let's connect you to a network screen with the grayed-out Next button, press Shift + F10 type oobe\bypassnro press Enter to reboot and skip network request.
  • After you execute this command, your system will restart.

Build Installation disk


Last modified: 2024/07/04 03:50 by sravan