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Write OOWOW image to removable storage

Need replace /dev/sdX to actual device node name

curl -L \
| gzip -dc | dd conv=fsync,notrunc of=/dev/sdX
curl -L \
| gzip -dc | dd conv=fsync,notrunc of=/dev/sdX
curl -L \
| gzip -dc | dd conv=fsync,notrunc of=/dev/sdX
curl -L \
| gzip -dc | dd conv=fsync,notrunc of=/dev/sdX
curl -L \
| gzip -dc | dd conv=fsync,notrunc of=/dev/sdX

Resolve boot-up problem

if Boot OOWOW doesn't works via hold FUNCTION and short press RESET

Manualy restore OOWOW SPI-Flash firmware

For same cases if OOWOW can't bootup automaticly or via special button shortcuts

  • download XXX-oowow-latest-spi-upgrade-sd.img.gz from
  • write image XXX-oowow-latest-spi-upgrade-sd.img.gz to SD-card
  • boot-up from SD-card and wait upgrade process will be complited
  • remove SD-card and reboot device

replace XXX to right board name vim4 edge2 vim1s …

Boot-up OOWOW from SD-card

For same cases if embedded OOWOW can't bootup from SPI-Flash. OOWOW can be started from SD-card anytime.

replace XXX to right board name vim4 edge2 vim1s …

Write custom OS image into eMMC from removable storage

  • copy your OS image into any removable storage SD / USB Flash , etc (formatted by exfat or ext2/3/4 or fat)
  • start OOWOW by press FUNCTION + RESET
  • exit from wizard
  • plug removable storage with OS image
  • choose this image to write by menu → Write image to eMMC and up to .. mounts

Supported images:

  • raw images dd suitable - .img
  • compressed images .img.xz lzma , .img.gz gzip, .img.zst zstd

Install online OS image without Ethernet

All devices have on-board Wi-Fi module, also can used for for Internet access.

  • Configure Wi-Fi connection one time / automaticly will be used next time
  • or can use easy-wi-fi mode

Headless usage

OOWOW easily can used without display and keyboards.

OOWOW and Smartphone

OOWOW easily can controlled by smatphone


write custom OS image into eMMC from removable storage

  • copy your OS image into any removable storage SD / USB Flash , etc (formatted by exfat or ext2/3/4 or fat)
  • start oowow by press FUNCTION + RESET
  • exit from wizard
  • plug removable storage with OS image
  • choose this image to write by menu → Write image to eMMC and up to .. mounts


Last modified: 2023/02/27 03:04 by hyphop