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OOWOW create sd dump partition

After writing oowow image to SD card, for example by next command gzip -dc BOARD-oowow-latest-sd.img.gz > /dev/sdX, SD disk will have only 1st partition, after 1st bootup from this SD disk oowow will create 2nd partition automatically.

Create 2nd dump partition manually

For some cases we need create 2nd partition before start oowow, for example automation restore images etc …
# copy original parts
sdfisk --dump /dev/sdX | tee /tmp/ 
# add dump partition
echo start=131072, type=7 | sfdisk --force -a /dev/sdX
# format 2s part as exfat 
mkfs.exfat -n dumps /dev/sdX2
Last modified: 2022/10/21 04:27 by hyphop