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OOWOW auto-install disk

Sometimes, your device has limited access (no keyboard, network, etc … ), and we need to update eMMC storage content automatically. What did we need? Just prepare a special removable disk

These features can work from SD / USB removable disk



  • Plug prepared removable disk into your device
  • Reboot into OOWOW mode by any way - just reset your device if it can boot up from this removable disk or by a special shortcut or i2c command if device has embedded oowow
  • Wait for autoinstallation, all processes must go automatically
  • Reboot to upgraded system

Image filename rules

BOARD.*.emmc.img.zst put into root on 2n SD partition with label dump

Auto-install config

Stored into rescue/config/autoinstall on 1st SD partition with label rescue

Auto-install config format

BOARD.image_name[.BYTES-bytes].img.[zst|gz] [-sBYTES] [-r]
# BOARD         board name [ VIM1 | VIM2 | VIM3 | VIM3L |  Edge | Edge2 | VIM1S | VIM4 ]
# .BYTES-bytes   write size limitation tag
# -sBYTES       write size limitation parameter
# -r            resize fs parameter

Example configs

VIM3.hg_1.0.emmc.img.zst -s15634268160
VIM3.hg_1.0.emmc.img.zst -s15634268160 -r 
VIM3.hg_1.0.15634268160-bytes.emmc.img.zst -r 

Config setup by command-line

~$ echo VIM3.hg_1.0.emmc.img.zst -s15634268160 > /config/autoinstall
~$ krescue.configs -s
~$ krescue.configs -p | grep autoinstall
config_autoinstall="VIM3.hg_1.0.emmc.img.zst -s15634268160"
~$ cat /config/autoinstall
VIM3.hg_1.0.emmc.img.zst -s15634268160
~$ rm /config/autoinstall && krescue.config -s 

Also can setup write size by image filename *.SIZE-bytes.*

  • VIM3.hg_1.0.17179869184-bytes.emmc.img.zst
  • VIM3.hg_1.0.16G-bytes.emmc.img.zst
  • VIM3.hg_1.0.16384M-bytes.emmc.img.zst

Dump images created automatically with bytes tag, and better continue use this tag as is

Check blank trail image

can write only 11100000000 bytes for example
tail -c+11100000000 VIM3.hg_1.0.emmc.img | hexdump -C

Resize FS
root@localhost:~# df /
Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/rootfs     14779408 5847484   8741216  41% /
root@localhost:~# resize2fs /dev/rootfs 
resize2fs 1.45.5 (07-Jan-2020)
Filesystem at /dev/rootfs is mounted on /; on-line resizing required
old_desc_blocks = 1, new_desc_blocks = 2
The filesystem on /dev/rootfs is now 7587840 (4k) blocks long.
root@localhost:~# df /
Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/rootfs     29808700 5848092  23618452  20% /

Custom disk create

Another way WIP:

cat <<EOF | sfdisk /dev/sdX
label: dos
1 : start=       24576, size=      106496, type=e
2 : start=      131072, type=7
Last modified: 2023/08/24 02:50 by hyphop