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OOWOW Automate OS Upgrade

Device access from LAN

Need bootup into oowow and

  • check device hostname for example edge2-00000, device must be visible in LAN under MDNS edge2-00000.local name
  • FireWall setup to allow income connection from LAN
  • check connection

All Khadas oowow device have uniq name like device_name-XXXXX where XXXXX last digits from device serial number

check network access from LAN
ping edge2-00000.local -c1 && ssh root@edge2-00000.local false && echo OK

Reboot device into OOWOW mode

reboot device into oowow mode under main OS
# reboot into oowow from main OS
i2cset -f -y 2 0x18 0x92 1 && i2cset -f -y 2 0x18 0x91 1
ssh usage for remote reboot into oowow mode
echo "i2cset -f -y 2 0x18 0x92 1 && i2cset -f -y 2 0x18 0x91 1" | ssh user@HOST && echo OK REBOOT INTO OOWOW

Write image to device by LAN

Device must be run in oowow mode, and will be visible in LAN by name edge2-00000.local

write image to device from remote PC by LAN
curl edge2-00000.local/shell/write | sh -s - edge2-armbian-bookworm-legacy-cli.img.xz

Custom scripts examples

Users can find the best way to upgrade eMMC storage content…

write raw image by ssh
cat edge2-armbian-bookworm-legacy-cli.img | ssh root@edge2-00000.local dd of=/dev/mmcblk0 status=progress
write raw image by ssh decompress on fly
xz -dc edge2-armbian-bookworm-legacy-minimal.img.xz | ssh root@edge2-00000.local dd of=/dev/mmcblk0 status=progress
rsync raw image
rsync -avzz edge2-armbian-bookworm-legacy-cli.img root@edge2-00000.local:/dev/mmcblk0

WIP: .. i will write more example next time

Back to upgraded OS from oowow

Back to OS from oowow
ssh root@edge2-00000.local reboot
Last modified: 2023/08/22 00:39 by hyphop