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Write Disk Image to remote device

Write image by LAN on the fly:

  • raw images dd - network transferred data will be compressed/decompressed with zstd algorithm on the fly in real-time
  • compressed images gz | xz | zstd - data transfered as-is and will be decompressed and writed on the fly on device side

Synopsys and Usage

curl oowow.local/shell/write | sh -s - [IMAGE] [ARGS]
    write IMAGE_FILE [HOST] [-sd|-spi|-mmc|-nvme] \
          [-boot|-boot-online|-spi-boot-clean] [-raw] [/dev/...]


All parameters must follow after image file-name


  • -sd - SD disk
  • -spi - SPI flash
  • -mmc - eMMC storage - is works by default
  • -nvme - NVME storage
  • /dev/* - custom block device node


  • -raw - disable compression format detection and write all data as is
  • -nofix - disable extra automation with partition table fixation
Last modified: 2024/03/15 01:25 by hyphop