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VIM4 NPU Applications

Only New VIM4 supports NPU, you can check the version of your VIM4 here: VIM4 Versions


Only supports OpenCV4

Install Depencies

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install libopencv-dev python3-opencv cmake

Source Code for Applications

You need to download the source code to your VIM4 board and compile on it.

Clone the NPU demo applications to somewhere, e.g. ~/workspace:

$ mkdir ~/workspace
$ cd ~/workspace
$ git clone
$ cd vim4_npu_applications
$ ls
mobilenet_v2  nn_sdk  yolov3  yolov3_cap  yolov7_tiny  yolov7_tiny_cap  yolov8n  yolov8n_cap
  • mobilenet_v2/yolov3/yolov3_cap: Different demo for VIM4 NPU.
  • nn_sdk: Dependencies required for compilation.


Take mobilenet_v2 as an example, other demos are the same.

$ cd mobilenet_v2
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make


Mobilenet V2

$ cd mobilenet_v2/build
$ sudo ./mobilenetv2 ../data/mobilenetv2_int8.adla ../data/goldfish_224x224.jpg 
[sudo] password for khadas: 
997: 0.273438
886: 0.031250
108: 0.023438
109: 0.019531
127: 0.019531


The demos of the Yolo series only support running under the desktop environment.

It needs to be edited before running, please refer to the compilation method of Mobilenet V2.

Detect pictures:

$ cd yolov3/build
$ sudo ./yolov3 -p ../data/1080p.bmp  -m ../data/det_yolov3_int8.adla

Detection by camera:

$ cd yolov3_cap/build
$ sudo ./yolov3_cap -m ../data/det_yolov3_int8.adla -d X -w 1920 -h 1080

x: the number for you camera device. such as /dev/video0, x is 0.



Last modified: 2023/06/06 06:55 by nick