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OpenCV is a popular open-source library for Computer Vision and Image processing Applications.

Install OpenCV

Install the libraries for C++ and Python

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install libopencv-dev python3-opencv

Get source code

Clone the examples sravansenthiln1/opencv-demos

$ git clone
$ cd opencv-demos

The example demos consist of C++ and Python examples to try.

Run Examples

Taking the Image Manipulation examples in C++

Enter the example directory

$ cd C++/image-manipulation

Compile the application

$ make

Copy the sample data

$ cp ../../samples/flower.png sample.png

Run the example

$ ./main

Taking the Image Manipulation examples in Python

Enter the example directory

$ cd Python/image-manipulation

Copy the sample data

$ cp ../../samples/flower.png sample.png

Run the example

$ python3
2023/12/26 00:53 · sravan
Last modified: 2023/12/26 00:54 by sravan