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products:sbc:common:applications:gpio:wiringpi [2022/06/30 00:04]
products:sbc:common:applications:gpio:wiringpi [2023/06/25 23:24] (current)
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 ====== WiringPi ====== ====== WiringPi ======
 +===== Introduction =====
 +WiringPi is a C++ library for Raspberry Pi, we port it to Khadas SBC, With this library you can use many of the functionalities provided by the GPIO header: digital pins, SPI, I2C, UART, etc.
 +===== WiringPi Instructions =====
 +There are two methods here, via command line or C program.
 +==== Get Pin Info ====
 +Run ''gpio readall'', and it will print a table about the status of all GPIO pins.
 +''GPIO'' –> GPIO native number \\
 +''wPi'' –> WiringPi number \\
 +''Mode'' –> GPIO Mode ,''ALT'' mean that this pin defined as a special function \\
 +''V'' –> 1 - HIGH, 0 - LOW \\
 +''PU/PD'' –> ''PU'' - pull up, ''PD'' - pull down, ''DSBLD'' - disabled
 +==== Using via Command Line ====
 +Here’s an example of controlling wpi number 1.
 +  * Set GPIO mode to output 
 +$ gpio mode 1 out
 +  * Set output low level
 +$ gpio write 1 0
 +  * Set output high level
 +$ gpio write 1 1
 +==== Using via C Program ====
 +The test program changes the level value every 5S.
 +```c wiringpi.c
 +// SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR MIT)
 + * Copyright (c) 2022 Wesion Technology Co., Ltd.
 + *
 + * Author: Yan <> 
 + *
 + */
 +#include <stdio.h>
 +#include <wiringPi.h>
 +const int gpio_pin = 1;
 +int main()
 +    if(-1 == wiringPiSetup()){
 +        printf("set up error");
 +        exit(1);
 +    }
 +    pinMode(gpio_pin,OUTPUT);
 +    while(1){
 +        digitalWrite(gpio_pin,HIGH);
 +        printf("wPi Pin %d now is GIGH\n",gpio_pin);
 +        delay(5000);
 +        digitalWrite(gpio_pin,LOW);
 +        printf("wPi Pin %d now is LOW\n",gpio_pin);
 +        delay(5000);
 +    }
 +    exit(0);
 +$ gcc -o wiringpi wiringpi.c -lwiringPi -lpthread -lrt -lm -lcrypt
 +sudo ./wiringpi
 +wPi Pin 1 now is GIGH
 +wPi Pin 1 now is LOW
 +wPi Pin 1 now is GIGH
 +wPi Pin 1 now is LOW
 +You can use ''gpio read 1'' to observe the pin level changes.
 +==== Special Pin Functions ====
 +Special pin functions of wiringpi include ''SPI'',''I2C'',''ADC'',''SoftPWM''.
 +Please refer to the [[/products/sbc/common/applications/gpio/40pin-header|40-Pin Header]] for the corresponding physical pins.
Last modified: 2022/06/30 00:04 by nick