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products:sbc:common:applications:gpio:spi [2022/07/04 06:09]
frank add SPI
products:sbc:common:applications:gpio:spi [2025/02/17 21:40] (current)
nick [Enable SPI]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== SPI ====== 
-===== Introduction =====+===== SPI Reference table =====
-This document mainly introduces SPI. You will learn how to enable SPI and local loopback testing of SPI.+|           ^  SPI    ^ Pin  ^ Pin name      GPIO name  ^  DT overlay node  ^  Device node     ^ 
 +^  VIM3/3L  |  SPI_B  |  15  | SPIB_SS      |  GPIOH_6    |  spi1              /dev/spidev2.1  | 
 +| :::       | :::      16  | SPIB_SCLK    |  GPIOH_7    | :::               | :::              | 
 +| :::       | :::      35  | SPIB_MISO    |  GPIOH_5    | :::               | :::              | 
 +| :::       | :::      37  | SPIB_MOSI    |  GPIOH_4    | :::               | :::              | 
 +^  VIM4      SPI_A  |  25  |  SPI_A_SCLK  |  GPIOT_20    spi0              /dev/spidev1.0  | 
 +| :::       | :::      26  |  SPI_A_SS0    GPIOT_21   | :::               | :::              | 
 +| :::       | :::      36  |  SPI_A_MOSI  |  GPIOT_18   | :::               | :::              | 
 +| :::       | :::      37  |  SPI_A_MISO  |  GPIOT_19   | :::               | :::              | 
 +^  VIM1S    |  SPI_A  |  29  |  SPI_A_MOSI  |  GPIOZ_1    | :::               | :::              | 
 +| :::       | :::      31  |  SPI_A_CLK    GPIOZ_2    | :::               | :::              | 
 +| :::       | :::      32  |  SPI_A_MISO  |  GPIOZ_0    | :::               | :::              | 
 +| :::       | :::      33  |  SPI_A_SS0    GPIOZ_3    | :::               | :::              |
-===== Hardware Connection =====+===== Enable SPI =====
-Connect the physical pins (PIN35 and PIN37) using a DuPont line.+In order to use the SPI, you need to enable the SPI function via [[products:sbc:common:configurations:device-tree-overlay|Device Tree Overlay]].
-===== System Configuration =====+<tabbox VIM3/3L/Edge1>
-The default SPI is disabled. If you need to use SPI, you can enable it through the overlays function. +Edit ''/boot/env.txt'' to add the SPI node to ''overlays'' node if it doesn't exist.
-```sh +
-$ sudo vim /boot/env.txt +
-``` +
-Modify the overlays part, remove pwm_f and uart3, and open SPI.+
-```sh +Take VIM3 as an example to enable ''SPI_B'', you need to add ''spi1'' node to ''overlays'' node if it doesn't exist. 
-$ overlays=uart3 pwm_f i2c3 os08a10 --> overlays=i2c3 os08a10 spi1+ 
 ``` ```
-Reboot to effect. +<WRAP important 
- +As SPI pins are also used for other function, e.g. UART_C, PWM_Fso that you also need to remove node ''uart3'' and ''pwm_f''.
-<WRAP info +
-For Overlays documentationplease refer to [[/products/sbc/vim4/configuration/device-tree-overlay|Device Tree Overlay]].+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-SPI configures a loopback test device by default. 
-```sh spidev_test.c+After reboot, you will see the spi device node. 
 $ ls /dev/spidev1.1 $ ls /dev/spidev1.1
 /dev/spidev1.1 /dev/spidev1.1
 ``` ```
-===== Demo Source Code =====+<tabbox VIM3 with 5.15 kernel>
-Get test code+Edit ''/boot/dtb/amlogic/kvim3.dtb.overlay.env'' to add spi node to ''fdt_overlays'' node if it doesn't exist. 
 +e.g. Enable ''SPI_B'', you need to add ''spi1'' to node ''fdt_overlays'' if it doesn't exist. 
 +After reboot, you will see the SPI device node. 
 +$ ls /dev/spidev2.1  
 +<tabbox VIM3L with 5.15 kernel> 
 +Edit ''/boot/dtb/amlogic/kvim3l.dtb.overlay.env'' to add spi node to ''fdt_overlays'' node if it doesn't exist. 
 +e.g. Enable ''SPI_B'', you need to add ''spi1'' to node ''fdt_overlays'' if it doesn't exist. 
 +After reboot, you will see the SPI device node. 
 +$ ls /dev/spidev2.1  
 +<tabbox VIM4> 
 +Edit ''/boot/dtb/amlogic/kvim4.dtb.overlay.env'' to add spi node to ''fdt_overlays'' node if it doesn't exist. 
 +e.g. Enable ''SPI_A'', you need to add ''spi0'' to node ''fdt_overlays'' if it doesn't exist. 
 +After reboot, you will see the SPI device node. 
 +$ ls /dev/spidev1.0  
 +<tabbox VIM1S> 
 +Edit ''/boot/dtb/amlogic/kvim1s.dtb.overlay.env'' to add spi node to ''fdt_overlays'' node if it doesn't exist. 
 +e.g. Enable ''SPI_A'', you need to add ''spi0'' to node ''fdt_overlays'' if it doesn't exist. 
 +After reboot, you will see the SPI device node. 
 +$ ls /dev/spidev1.0  
 +===== Disable SPI ===== 
 +If you want to use normal GPIO instead of SPI, you can remove the SPI node in [[products:sbc:common:configurations:device-tree-overlay|Device Tree Overlay]].  
 +===== Demo Source Code =====
-```c+```c spidev_test.c
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
 /* /*
Line 71: Line 158:
 } }
-static const char *device = "/dev/spidev1.1";+static const char *device = "/dev/spidev1.0";
 static uint32_t mode; static uint32_t mode;
 static uint8_t bits = 8; static uint8_t bits = 8;
Line 520: Line 607:
 ``` ```
-Compile test code+Compile test code:
 $ gcc -o spidev_test spidev_test.c $ gcc -o spidev_test spidev_test.c
 ``` ```
-===== Demonstrate =====+===== Test demonstration =====
 +Prepare input text file:
-Prepare a TST text file. +```shell
- +
 $ echo "Amazing Khadas!" > ./spi_in.txt $ echo "Amazing Khadas!" > ./spi_in.txt
 ``` ```
-Run ''spidev_test''.+Connect PIN36(MOSI), PIN37(MISO) then run ''spidev_test'':
-```sh + 
-$ ./spidev_test -i spi_in.txt -o ./spi_out.txt+ 
 +$ ./spidev_test -D /dev/spidev1.1 -i spi_in.txt -o ./spi_out.txt
 spi mode: 0x0 spi mode: 0x0
 bits per word: 8 bits per word: 8
Line 544: Line 632:
 ``` ```
-Check output data. +<WRAP important > 
-```sh+Please choose the correct spi device node. 
 +Check output data
 $ cat ./spi_out.txt $ cat ./spi_out.txt
 Amazing Khadas! Amazing Khadas!
 ``` ```
Last modified: 2022/07/04 06:09 by frank