~~tag> VIM4 IMX415 MIPI ISP IP~~
====== VIM4 IMX415 MIPI Camera ======
===== Introduction =====
This document mainly introduces the usage of [[https://www.khadas.com/product-page/imx415-camera | IMX415 MIPI Camera]].
===== Hardware Connection =====
The reverse connection will damage the camera, please check the connection of the picture carefully before connecting.
===== Different VIM4 Versions =====
There are two [[../configurations/identify-version#vim4-versions-differences-reference-table| different VIM4 versions ]]: VIM4 and New VIM4. Both versions have different [[/tag/isp|ISP IP core]], so the usage of MIPI camera is also different.
Please check the [[products:sbc:vim4:configurations:identify-version| documentation]] to identify your VIM4 version.
===== Camera Usage =====
* [[products:sbc:vim4:add-ons:vim4-mipi-camera|]]
* [[products:sbc:vim4:add-ons:new-vim4-mipi-camera|]]
===== See Also =====
* [[pp>imx415-camera|Buy IMX415 camera]]
* [[dl>products/add-ons/imx415/|IMX415 Hardware Documentations]]