~~tag>VIM3 VIM3L NPU OpenCV~~ {{indexmenu_n>35}} ====== VIM3/3L NPU Notes ====== There are four ways to use the NPU on [[/VIM3]]: - The native [[#c-api|C++ API]]. - The [[#python-api|Python API]] was officially developed by [[https://khadas.com|Khadas]] and based on [[#c-api|C++ API]]. - The [[#tflite-delegate| TFLite Delegate]] is officially maintained by [[https://github.com/VeriSilicon/tflite-vx-delegate| Verisilicon]] - The [[#opencv-dnn|OpenCV DNN]] is officially maintained by [[https://opencv.org/?s=vim3|OpenCV]]. ==== C++ API ==== - [[npu-sdk|NPU SDK Usage]] - [[npu-prebuilt-demo-usage|NPU Prebuilt Demo Usage]] - [[npu-app|Application Source Code]] - [[npu-performance|NPU Performance Analysis]] ==== C++ Demo Lite ==== - [[./vim3_demo_lite/yolov7-tiny]] - [[./vim3_demo_lite/yolov8n]] - [[./vim3_demo_lite/densenet]] - [[./vim3_demo_lite/retinaface]] ==== Python API ==== - [[./ksnn/ksnn-usage|KSNN Usage]] - [[./ksnn/ksnn-api|KSNN API Documentation]] - [[./ksnn/ksnn-convert|Instructions for KSNN conversion tool]] - [[./ksnn/demos:|KSNN NPU Demos]] - [[./ksnn/demos/yolov7_tiny|YOLOv7-tiny KSNN Demo - 1]] - [[./ksnn/demos/yolov8n|YOLOv8n KSNN Demo - 2]] - [[./ksnn/demos/example:|KSNN Example by users]] - [[./ksnn/demos/example/1|Example.1 - YOLOv8n KSNN Demo]] ==== NPU TFLite Delegate ==== - [[./vx-tflite|NPU TFLite Delegate Usage]] ==== OpenCV DNN ==== - [[./opencv-dnn|OpenCV DNN Usage]] /* {{indexmenu>. | nsort msort tsort}} */ ==== Android JNI ==== - [[./npu-jni|Android NPU JNI]] ==== VIM3 MainLine with open source npu driver ==== - [[./vim3_mainline|VIM3 MainLine Usage]] ==== Convert ONNX ==== - [[./convert-onnx|Convert Your Model to ONNX]]