~~tag> VIM3 VIM3L NPU Python API KSNN ~~ ====== KSNN Usage ====== This article shows VIM3 NPU usage examples through **KSNN** - Python API. **KSNN** is [[https://github.com/khadas/ksnn#readme|Khadas Software Neural Network]] ===== Install KSNN ===== Get the library and example code: [[gh>khadas/ksnn]] ```shell $ git lfs install $ git lfs clone https://github.com/khadas/ksnn.git ``` Install KSNN library: ```shell $ cd ksnn/ksnn $ pip3 install ksnn-1.4-py3-none-any.whl ``` ===== Usage example ===== All Demo examples in the ''examples'' directory are sorted by folders. ```shell $ cd ksnn/examples/ && ls caffe darknet keras onnx pytorch tensorflow tflite ``` Choose ''keras'' and ''xception.py'' for example, other demos are similar. ```shell $ cd keras && ls -1 data libs models README.md xception.py ``` The running commands and conversion parameters are in the ''README.md'' file in the same directory. ```shell $ ~/ksnn/examples/keras$ cat README.md # Run $ python3 xception.py --model ./models/VIM3/xception_uint8.nb --library ./libs/libnn_xception_uint8.so --picture data/goldfish_299x299.jpg --level 0 # Convert # uint8 $ ./convert \ --model-name xception \ --platform keras \ --model /home/yan/yan/Yan/models-zoo/keras/xception/xception.h5 \ --mean-values '127.5 127.5 127.5 0.007843137' \ --quantized-dtype asymmetric_affine \ --source-files ./data/dataset/dataset0.txt \ --kboard VIM3 --print-level 1 If you use VIM3L , please use `VIM3L` to replace `VIM3` ``` Run ''xception.py'': ```shell $ python3 xception.py --model ./models/VIM3/xception_uint8.nb --library ./libs/libnn_xception_uint8.so --picture data/goldfish_299x299.jpg --level 0 |---+ KSNN Version: v1.4 +---| Start init neural network ... Done. Get input data ... Done Start inference ... Done. inference time: 0.07830595970153809 ----Xception---- -----TOP 5----- [1]: 0.99609375 [0]: 0.0009250640869140625 [391]: 0.00019299983978271484 [29]: 0.00017976760864257812 [124]: 0.00016736984252929688 ``` The ''--level'' parameter can be used to adjust the level of printed information. The following command sets the printing level to the highest. ```shell $ python3 xception.py --model ./models/VIM3/xception_uint8.nb --library ./libs/libnn_xception_uint8.so --picture data/goldfish_299x299.jpg --level 2 |---+ KSNN Version: v1.4 +---| Start init neural network ... #productname=VIPNano-QI, pid=0x88 Create Neural Network: 47ms or 47458us Done. Get input data ... Done Start inference ... Start run graph [1] times... generate command buffer, total device count=1, core count per-device: 1, current device id=0, AXI SRAM base address=0xff000000 ---------------------------Begin VerifyTiling ------------------------- AXI-SRAM = 1048320 Bytes VIP-SRAM = 522240 Bytes SWTILING_PHASE_FEATURES[1, 1, 0] 0 NBG [( 0 0 0 0, 0, 0x(nil)(0x(nil), 0x(nil)) -> 0 0 0 0, 0, 0x(nil)(0x(nil), 0x(nil))) k(0 0 0, 0) pad(0 0) pool(0 0, 0 0)] id IN [ x y w h ] OUT [ x y w h ] (tx, ty, kpc) (ic, kc, kc/ks, ks/eks, kernel_type) NNT(in, out) id | opid IN [ x y w h ] OUT [ x y w h ] (tx, ty, kpc) (ic, kc, kc/ks, ks/eks, kernel_type) NNT(in, out) 0 | 0 NBG DD 0x00000000 [ 0 0 0 0] -> DD 0x00000000 [ 0 0 0 0] ( 0, 0, 0) ( 0, 0, 0.000000%, 0.000000%, NONE) ( 0, 0) PreLoadWeightBiases = 1048320 100.000000% ---------------------------End VerifyTiling ------------------------- layer_id: 0 layer name:network_binary_graph operation[0]:unkown operation type target:unkown operation target. uid: 0 abs_op_id: 0 execution time: 97432 us [ 1] TOTAL_READ_BANDWIDTH (MByte): 135.867976 [ 2] TOTAL_WRITE_BANDWIDTH (MByte): 74.167511 [ 3] AXI_READ_BANDWIDTH (MByte): 61.521023 [ 4] AXI_WRITE_BANDWIDTH (MByte): 50.982863 [ 5] DDR_READ_BANDWIDTH (MByte): 74.346954 [ 6] DDR_WRITE_BANDWIDTH (MByte): 23.184648 [ 7] GPUTOTALCYCLES: 77303691 [ 8] GPUIDLECYCLES: 22877687 VPC_ELAPSETIME: 97775 ********* Run the 1 time: 100.00ms or 100247.00us vxProcessGraph execution time: Total 100.00ms or 100303.00us Average 100.30ms or 100303.00us Done. inference time: 0.11749053001403809 ----Xception---- -----TOP 5----- [1]: 0.99609375 [0]: 0.0009250640869140625 [391]: 0.00019299983978271484 [29]: 0.00017976760864257812 [124]: 0.00016736984252929688 ``` You can see all relevant information. ===== Camera Demo ===== 1. The Demos that currently support cameras include the Yolo series and OpenPose. Take Yolov3 as an example, ```sh cd ksnn/examples/darknet python3 yolov3-cap.py --model ./models/VIM3/yolov3_uint8.nb --library ./libs/libnn_yolov3_uint8.so --device X ``` ===== More ===== * [[ksnn-convert|KSNN Convert tool Usage]] * [[ksnn-api|KSNN API Documentation]]