{{indexmenu_n>20}} ====== Edge2 Install OS into eMMC via USB Flash Tool ====== ===== Introduction ===== This document mainly introduces how to use the USB flash tool to install the OS image to Khadas SBC onboard eMMC. ===== Install on Windows PC ===== ==== Preparation ==== Dowload [[dl>products/edge2/tool/rkdevtool_release_v3.28.zip|rkdevtool_release_v3.28]] and [[dl>products/edge2/tool/driver-assitant_v5.13.zip|driver-assitant_v5.13]] then extract them to somewhere. ==== Install USB Drivers ==== - Enter ''driver-assitant'' folder, then run ''DriverInstall.exe''. - Double click ''Unistall'' to uninstall. - Double click ''Install'' to install. {{products:sbc:edge2:install-os:driver-install.webp}} ==== Install the OS ==== - Run ''RKDevTool.exe''. Then clink ''Upgrade Firmware''->''Firmware'' to select a image. - Connect Edge and PC with a USB-C data-cable (Edge will power-on automatically). - Put your board into [[products/sbc/edge2/install-os/boot-into-upgrade-mode|Upgrade Mode]]. - Your PC should have found your Edge device as a connected USB device. - Now all you need to do is to click the ''Upgrade'' button of the tool and wait for upgrading to complete. {{products:sbc:edge2:install-os:flash-image.webp}} ===== Install on Ubuntu PC ===== {{page>products/sbc/common/install-os/install-os-into-emmc-on-ubuntu&noheader}}