====== Capture Running Log ====== This guide is for users of **Ubuntu Linux**. You can capture information from the running system log to diagnose abnormal behaviour and unexpected outputs. ===== Login via a Serial Terminal ===== Connect your PC to the SBC using a [[products:sbc:common:development:setup-serial-tool| Serial Debug Tool]]. The default account and password of Ubuntu Linux is as follows: * ''khadas'' - default account user name * ''khadas'' - default password ===== Running Log Capture ===== After logging in with the serial Terminal, you can capture the running system log via the following commands. ==== Fetch System Version Information ==== ```shell khadas@Khadas:~$ cat /etc/fenix-release > ~/system-version.log ``` ==== Fetch System Kernel Information ==== ```shell khadas@Khadas:~$ sudo dmesg > ~/kernel.log ``` ==== Fetch System Log Information ==== ```shell khadas@Khadas:~$ sudo tar cvzf ~/systemlog.tgz /var/log/ ``` ===== Send Log File ===== When reporting problems to [[kf>|Khadas Community]] or , you can save the log file from your SBC into an SD card, and then send it off to us using your PC.