====== Kernel Bootargs User Config ====== ===== Introduction ===== This page mainly introduces how-to user can customize linux kernel bootargs under Ubuntu. ===== How-to Customize Linux Kernel Bootargs ===== You can edit file ''/boot/uEnv.txt'' to add the user bootargs. The default file contents are similar as below: ```shell $ cat /boot/uEnv.txt #############################DO NOT TOUCH THIS OPTION############################# rootdev=root=UUID=a92f7f2f-0d4a-4607-a45a-4549cfe71036 partitiontype=partition_type=generic #############################DO NOT TOUCH THIS OPTION############################# ## Setup console consoles=console=ttyS0,921600 console=tty0 ## Setup FAN mode fan_mode=auto ## Add user args here, spilt with space. ## e.g. Add bootargs 'test1=111 test2=222' ## boot_user_args=test1=111 test2=222 boot_user_args= ``` ==== Normal Bootargs ==== You can append your bootargs to the configuration ''boot_user_args=''. e.g. Add bootargs ''cgroup_enable=cpuset cgroup_memory=1 cgroup_enable=memory systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0'', the variable ''boot_user_args='' should be as below: ```shell boot_user_args=cgroup_enable=cpuset cgroup_memory=1 cgroup_enable=memory systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0 ``` ==== Console Bootargs ==== This configuration is suitable for only the 5.15 kernel. You can change the linux UART pins for normal usage by modifying the configuration ''console='' ^ UART mode ^ Configuration ^ | Configure the UART for linux debug | ''consoles=console=ttyS0, console=tty0'' | | Configure the UART for general usage | ''consoles=console=tty0'' | eg. Enable linux UART console with 921600 baud rate should be as below: ```shell consoles=console=ttyS0,921600 console=tty0 ``` ^ Model ^ Baudrate ^ | VIM3/VIM3L | 115200 | | VIM4/VIM1S | 921600 | Please make sure the bootargs are split with space and don't add quotation marks. Save the file and reboot to take effect. ===== How-to Check Linux Kernel Bootargs ===== After reboot system, we can check current linux kernel bootargs ```shell $ cat /proc/cmdline ```