====== Bluetooth ====== /* ===== Introduction ===== This document mainly introduces Bluetooth from two parts. The first one is about how to use Bluetooth under Ubuntu, and the second one is how to use Bluetooth under Android. */ ====== Linux ====== Bluetooth configure examples for Ubuntu Desktop and Server variants ===== Ubuntu Desktop ===== Bluetooth settings are in the upper-right corner, click it and select ''Device''. {{/products:sbc:common:configurations:gnome-bluetooth1.png?500|gnome-bluetooth1}} Click ''Search'' to scan for Bluetooth devices nearby. {{/products:sbc:common:configurations:gnome-bluetooth2.png?500|gnome-bluetooth2}} Select the device that you want to pair with. {{/products:sbc:common:configurations:gnome-bluetooth3.png?500|gnome-bluetooth3}} ===== Ubuntu Server ===== Bluetooth configuration via console bluetooth utils. Enable Bluetooth: ```shell sudo rfkill unblock bluetooth sudo hciconfig hci0 up ``` Launch ''bluetoothctl'': ```shell $ sudo bluetoothctl [NEW] Controller 43:54:A2:00:1F:AC Khadas [default] Agent registered [bluetooth]# ``` Setup: ```shell [bluetooth]# agent on [bluetooth]# default-agent [bluetooth]# power on [bluetooth]# discoverable on [bluetooth]# pairable on [bluetooth]# scan on ``` Scan for Bluetooth devices: ```shell [bluetooth]# scan on Discovery started [CHG] Controller 43:54:A2:00:1F:AC Discovering: yes [NEW] Device 46:04:25:5F:1E:8D 46-04-25-5F-1E-8D [NEW] Device 8C:EB:C6:E7:2E:33 Khadas ``` Show connected Bluetooth devices: ```shell [bluetooth]# devices Device 46:04:25:5F:1E:8D 46-04-25-5F-1E-8D Device 8C:EB:C6:E7:2E:33 Khadas Device 9C:FB:D5:0D:91:47 9C-FB-D5-0D-91-47 [NEW] Device AC:83:F3:DD:D4:E1 AC-83-F3-DD-D4-E1 [CHG] Device AC:83:F3:DD:D4:E1 Name: LibreELEC [CHG] Device AC:83:F3:DD:D4:E1 Alias: LibreELEC ``` Pair with a device: ```shell [bluetooth]# connect ``` ''device_addr'' is the address of the device you want to connect to. Exit bluetoothctl: ```shell [bluetooth]# quit Agent unregistered [DEL] Controller 43:54:A2:00:1F:AC Khadas [default] khadas@Khadas:~$ ``` ====== Android ====== Please goto System Settings.