====== Upgrade the Firmware ====== ===== Tone2 Pro - XMOS & MCU Firmware Upgrade ===== * [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=yMuXtwA9loY|Tone2 Pro - XMOS & MCU Firmware Upgrade (Windows)]] * [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_lARvpZSLwE|Tone2 Pro - XMOS & MCU Firmware Upgrade (Linux)]] * [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=OBel13GioWc|Tone2 Pro - XMOS & MCU Firmware Upgrade (Mac)]] ===== Tone1 - Upgrade to Official Khadas Firmware v2.00 ===== * [[https://www.khadas.com/post/tone1-upgrade-to-official-v2-firmware|Tone 1: Upgrade to the Official Khadas Firmware (v2.00)]] ===== Tone1 - Upgrade to Official Khadas Firmware via legacy methods ===== **Preparation:** * Download the [[https://dl.khadas.com/Firmware/ToneBoard/Driver/%5bOnly%20for%20some%20OS%20Upgrade%20XMOS%5d-XMOS-TUSBAudio-EVAL-V4.11.0-Setup.zip|USB Upgrade Tool]] and extract it. * Download the firmware ''.bin'' files from [[https://dl.khadas.com/Firmware/ToneBoard/|this directory]] and extract them. * Connect your Tone to your PC using a USB-C data cable. {{/products/audio/tone1/tb_fw_01.jpg?800}} **Installation:** * Run ''setup_eval.exe'' to install the tool to upgrade your Tone’s firmware. {{/products/audio/tone1/tb_fw_02.jpg?600}} * Press ''Yes'', then disconnect and reconnect your Tone. {{/products/audio/tone1/tb_fw_03.jpg?600}} **Upgrading:** * Open the ''TUSBAudio Firmware Upgrade'' tool, from your Start Menu. {{/products/audio/tone1/tb_fw_04.jpg}} * It should show ''Device Opened'', which means your Tone is connected and ready for upgrading. (If not, disconnect and reconnect your Tone). {{/products/audio/tone1/tb_fw_05.jpg?800}} * Click ''Browse'' and load the firmware ''.bin'' file you extracted, into the tool. {{/products/audio/tone1/tb_fw_07.jpg?800}} * Click ''Start'' to begin the upgrade process. {{/products/audio/tone1/tb_fw_08.jpg?800}} * Once firmware has upgraded, click ''Exit''. {{/products/audio/tone1/tb_fw_09.jpg?800}} * Uninstall the EVAL driver that you used for upgrading firmware, and re-install the [[https://dl.khadas.com/Firmware/ToneBoard/Driver/Thesycon-Stereo-USB-Audio-Driver-V224.rar|v224 driver]]. * Alternatively, if you’re on Windows 10, uninstall all Khadas-supplied drivers and use the native [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/audio/usb-2-0-audio-drivers|Win10 UAC2 driver]] supplied with the OS. **Preparation:** ```shell $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install git libusb-1.0-0 libusb-1.0-0-dev ``` **Download Burning Tool:** Tone DFU burning tool on Ubuntu is in [[https://github.com/khadas/utils|utils]] repository. ```shell $ git clone https://github.com/khadas/utils ``` Or just pull it (if you have already cloned this repository). ```shell $ cd /path/to/utils $ git pull ``` **Install Burning Tool:** You need to install USB rules and create some links. ```shell $ cd /path/to/utils/tone-dfu-tool $ sudo ./INSTALL ``` You will see this print-out if it was successful. ```shell [sudo] password for nick: =============================================== Host PC: Ubuntu 20.04 =============================================== Installing USB rules... Installing tone-burn-tool... Done! ``` Root privilege required. **Upgrading:** * Download the firmware files from [[https://dl.khadas.com/Firmware/ToneBoard/|this directory]] and extract them to somewhere like your ''Home'' folder. * Open a ''Terminal'' window, and ''cd'' into your ''Home'' folder. \\ ```shell $ cd /home/* ``` * Run the tool with your firmware file of choice (drag and drop your ''.bin'' file to replace ''/path/to/firmware.bin''). \\ ```shell $ sudo tone-burn-tool -i /path/to/firmware.bin ``` Upgrading will stuck at ''Waiting for device to restart and enter DFU mode'' for about 20 seconds, please wait patiently. * If upgrading was done successfully, you should see: \\ ```shell Upgrading Tone firmware... Khadas Tone1 detected! Tone DFU application started - Interface 2 claimed Detaching device from application mode. Waiting for device to restart and enter DFU mode... ... DFU firmware upgrade device opened ... Downloading image (Tone1_Firmware_V2.00_201016.bin) to device ... Download complete ... Returning device to application mode ``` **Uninstall Burning Tool:** ```shell $ cd /path/to/utils/tone-dfu-tool $ sudo ./UNINSTALL ``` **Preparation:** Download the ready to use dfu tool to somewhere like:''~/Desktop''. ``` $ wget https://dl.khadas.com/products/tone2/dfu_tool/tone_dfu_tool_macos $ chmod +x ./tone_dfu_tool_macos ``` **Upgrading:** * Download a firmware file from [[https://dl.khadas.com/Firmware/ToneBoard/]], then extract the ''.zip'' file. * Connect your Tone to your Macbook / iMac via a USB-C data cable. * Return to Terminal and type ''./tone_dfu_tool --download'', followed by ''space'', and drag the ''firmware.bin'' you just downloaded, from the Finder into Terminal. Then hit ''Enter''. * If successful, you should see the following Terminal output: \\ ```shell $ ./tone_dfu_tool --download /path/to/Tone2_Pro_DFU_TEST201228_nothing.bin VID = 0x3353, PID = 0xa002 Khadas Tone2 Pro detected! Tone DFU application started - Interface 2 claimed Detaching device from application mode. Waiting for device to restart and enter DFU mode... VID = 0x3353, PID = 0xa002 ... DFU firmware upgrade device opened ... Downloading image (/path/to/Tone2_Pro_DFU_TEST201228_nothing.bin) to device ... Download complete ... Returning device to application mode ``` * If you get the following output when attempting to upgrade the firmware on Mac OS: \\ ```shell ./tone_dfu_tool --download /path/to/Tone2_Pro_DFU_TEST201228_nothing.bin dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libusb-1.0.0.dylib Referenced from: /Users/username/Downloads/USB-Audio-2.0-Software-v6.1-master/sc_usb_audio/module_dfu/host/xmos_dfu_osx/./xmosdfu Reason: image not found Abort trap: 6 ``` * It means you need to upgrade `libusb`. You can do this by typing `brew install libusb`. * If typing `brew install libusb` didn't work, it means that you need to install [HomeBrew](https://brew.sh/). * If HomeBrew fails, you need to install Xcode Command Line Tools, type `xcode-select --install` into Terminal.