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NPU Performance Analysis


Through this document, you can learn how to print out the performance of the NPU.


Upgrade The System

Please refer to Boot into Upgrade Mode.

Reload the Driver Module

1. Uninstall the NPU module:

$ sudo rmmod galcore

2. Reinstall NPU module:

$ sudo insmod /lib/modules/4.9.241/kernel/drivers/amlogic/npu/galcore.ko gpuProfiler=1 showArgs=1

Get Interface Data

Set Environments

$ export VIV_VX_PROFILE=1

Run Model

Use inception as a example Get NPU Demo.

$ aml_npu_demo_binaries/inceptionv3/VIM3$ ./
#productname=VIPNano-QI, pid=0x88
Created VX Thread: 0xa69a21c0
Create Neural Network: 59ms or 59455us
generate command buffer, device count=1, core count per-device: 1,
---------------------------Begin VerifyTiling -------------------------
AXI-SRAM = 1048576 Bytes VIP-SRAM = 522240 Bytes SWTILING_PHASE_FEATURES[1, 1, 0]
  0 NBG [(   0    0    0 0,        0, 0x(nil)(0x(nil), 0x(nil)) ->    0    0    0 0,        0, 0x(nil)(0x(nil), 0x(nil))) k(0 0    0,        0) pad(0 0) pool(0 0, 0 0)]
 id IN [ x  y  w   h ]   OUT  [ x  y  w  h ] (tx, ty, kpc) (ic, kc, kc/ks, ks/eks, kernel_type)
   0 NBG DD 0x(nil) [   0    0        0        0] -> DD 0x(nil) [   0    0        0        0] (  0,   0,   0) (       0,        0, 0.000000%, 0.000000%, NONE)
PreLoadWeightBiases = 1048576  100.000000%
---------------------------End VerifyTiling -------------------------
Verify Graph: 0ms or 823us
Start run graph [1] times...
layer id: 0 layer name:network_binary_graph operation[0]:unkown operation type target:unkown operation target.
uid: 0
op_abs_id: 0
execution time:             20845 us
[     1] TOTAL_READ_BANDWIDTH  (MByte): 71.703380
[     2] TOTAL_WRITE_BANDWIDTH (MByte): 17.810649
[     3] AXI_READ_BANDWIDTH  (MByte): 30.981305
[     4] AXI_WRITE_BANDWIDTH (MByte): 14.130429
[     5] DDR_READ_BANDWIDTH (MByte): 40.722075
[     6] DDR_WRITE_BANDWIDTH (MByte): 3.680220
[     7] GPUTOTALCYCLES: 16697255
[     8] GPUIDLECYCLES: 296080
Run the 1 time: 21.00ms or 21609.00us
vxProcessGraph execution time:
Total   21.00ms or 21625.00us
Average 21.62ms or 21625.00us
 --- Top5 ---
  2: 0.833984
795: 0.009102
974: 0.003592
408: 0.002207
393: 0.002111
Exit VX Thread: 0xa69a21c0

Interface Data Description

Bandwidth Data Description

  1. TOTAL_READ_BANDWIDTH : Total read bandwidth
  2. TOTAL_WRITE_BANDWIDTH : Total write bandwidth
  3. AXI_READ_BANDWIDTH : AXI_SRAM read bandwidth
  4. AXI_READ_BANDWIDTH : AXI_SRAM write bandwidth
  5. DDR_READ_BANDWIDTH : DDR read bandwidth
  6. DDR_WRITE_BANDWIDTH : DDR write bandwidth

Calculate Usage Rate

  1. GPUTOTALCYCLES : Total number of cycles.
  2. GPUIDLECYCLES : Number of cycles in idle state.


Last modified: 2023/09/12 03:54 by sravan